Our running analysis helps runners identify ways to improve technique, increase strength and performance. Locate issues that will lead to eventual injuries and work to correct and stregthen.

Why miss time on the road or trail?

Running AnalysisRunning Analysis: Better, Faster, Stronger

The Six Million Dollar Man gained speed from his “bionic” legs. But you’re naturally equipped legs are perfect for helping you achieve success. Whether it’s just to stay in shape, enjoy casual events or hardcore competition, we can help you excel.

At Premier, our Doctors of Physical Therapy are trained to provide a quick running analysis to our athletes while attending physical therapy whether you are a novice or a highly trained runner. Our running analysis can help prevent injuries and/or improve form, strength, speed, and durability. Learn how to increase the longevity and enjoyment of your running career.

Video Helped the Running Star…

Using results from video analysis (performed within one of your physical therapy sessions), we provide ways to improve your running form, enhance performance, and decrease injury risk. Any video analysis will be performed at the discretion of our Doctors of Physical Therapy. You will leave with an individualized running-specific exercise program, running drills, and shoe recommendations.

We can help with:

  • Decreased Muscle Flexibility
  • Compensatory Movements
  • Abnormal Repetitive Movement
  • Tight and restricted joints
  • Improper Footwear
  • Poor Posture & Alignment
  • Restricted Mobility
  • Poor Running Form
  • Poor Balance/Body Awareness